Source Code

Throb Socket

An excited vagina

My wife was so turned she couldn't wait for me to put my pork sword into her Throb Socket

by J. Adams 1893 March 2, 2024

crotch socket

Disgusting, Greasy, unwanted person

Dave: I slept with your sister last night

Liz: that’s why you are a dirty crotch socket

by Crotch socket liz September 10, 2020

Ball socket

The socket you pop your balls in when you’re bored

Jake: I can’t stop popping my balls in my ball socket
Dan: same
(Subtle popping noises)

by JizzPool July 21, 2021

Chocolate socket

A girl who fucks black guys

Girl: I love tall dark and handsome
Guys: we know chocolate socket

by Assault machine January 26, 2017

hill billy hot socket

When one takes a steaming shit in a sock, and hits someone in the face.

Guy 1: Hey, what happened to your nose?
Guy 2: I was hit with a hill billy hot socket

by ojp-nutrapper January 17, 2016

Socket rocket

Finger blasting with a electric cord

John: I socket rocketed myself last time

Tom: your gay

by Cumcoconigger May 2, 2021

Baggy socket

Another word for loose pussy
Opposite of tight vagina

That one that allow the entire both hand to penetrate

Man hate it cause no pleasure

That whore last night had a baggy socket

Her kid will come flying from there

by Ssjysnsbsj June 20, 2019