Source Code

Spank you

Spank you, a term used to show appreciation towards someone. A more fun way to say "thank you."

"Pass the salt please." *salt is passed* "Spank you.", "Spanks for picking me up from the mall."

by RoberTheLion April 20, 2010

42๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

spank ho

(n) 1. inferior/disposable fuck buddy; not to be used more than 3 times within 12 consecutive months. "Break Glass only during Emergency".2. Like drinking coffee after brushing your teeth, they taste foul, don't ever vacuum a spank ho's carpet. 3. Co-dependent and generally lacking self-respect, a spank ho will latch on to you tighter than a bear trap so exercise extreme caution when "walking through the forest". 4. Someone YOU WOULD kick out of bed for eating crackers.

"Broke up with my girl, Fuck-buddy has a man now, Gotta find me a spank ho!!!"

by Darkhelmet February 2, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

spank account

The mental "bank account" where you memorize thoughts or images you want to think about later while you masturbate (spank).

Oh my God look at Elizabeth today...she looks so HAWT. Those jeans are definitely going into my spank account.

by Black@Heart October 21, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

spank you

often used in place of "thank you," and resond to with "your rectum."

Here's your 'ritto.
Why, spank you!
Your rectum.

by Calo November 1, 2003

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Spank bank

A mental collection of visual images one stores in ones mind to remember later for purposes of 'self pleasure' see: masturbation. Entered into the spank bank are an array of images of people (usually ones you want to bone) in either suggestive or totally non-sexual situations generally seen in real life.

Ie; a girl in a mini skit, a low cut top and/or heels/A girl waiting at a traffic light eating a lollipop. A girl bending over to pick up a coin. A girl at a club making out with another chick.

A guy doing push-ups at the gym. Guys at the office etc...

Nate: Damn! did you see that bitch eat that banana?

Matt: Hell yeah...she deep throated that shit!*...that's going in my spank bank.

Amber: ewe...you guys are sick!

by urbanr0cker May 11, 2008

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Spanking the ham

furious masturbation

"My roommate Tyler was spanking the ham last night and woke me up.

by gorilla tongue December 5, 2008

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gangster spank

a 'Gangster Spank' entails spanking a person with two fingers protuding from the bottom of ones hand, aimed for the spankees colon. upon spanking, the fingers should enter the anus.

Shit man, after i nailed that bitch, i gave her the Gangster Spank.

by Clinton, the DP April 14, 2006

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