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Strong Bad

Only one word cna relly describe this guy: Awesome

" I didn't write a song about sibbie! The ceat just started playing some beat, I didn't, I wasn't, It was never my intention to... I freakin'hate Sibbie!!!"

by Rad Link 5 October 27, 2003

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Strong mad

A large, squarish, brutish person commonly observed in his natural role of protecting his little buddy The Cheat from larger predators, like being sat on by Strong Sad or Pom-Pom.


-Strong Mad

by Gneekman April 4, 2004

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Strong bad

A mexican wrestler, and a main character on Homestarrunner.com.

Strong bad is the coolest cat.

by Yes December 29, 2005

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Strong Bad

strong bad= awesomeness and a big fuss should be made of him.

Holy crap! Strongbad is AWESOME!

by coolpersonyo August 30, 2003

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Strong Badia

The country in which the population is tire. Ruled by Strong Bad whom does not live there, yet rules none the less.

I was wondering if there are any ghosts in Strong Badia?

by Brad Wild October 2, 2003

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strong bad

Without a doubt the single coolest person to ever live, I am... uhhh... I mean he is... I'm not strongbad... really I'm not

Strong bad rules!

by Dab Gnorts May 28, 2003

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Strong Plow

1.The most powerful sexual experience ever
strong plow;ed a vagina that has been pounded continuously until plow is complete..

1 happy man (sperry strong plows)

by tough cobalt ss April 12, 2009

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