ex-fling is when you hooked up with someone in the past
Jessica: is that your ex-fling?!
Amira: yes and imma fuck him again
A former lover who then became a friend, but who is presently neither.
I don't want to go to the party if my ex-flex is going to be there.
The people who were your in-laws before your divorce.
Ten years after her divorce, she still visits her ex-laws in Croatia.
Someone who used to be gay (only for one movie) but then transformed into the heterosexual they were truly meant to be thanks to jkr
Remus lupin is an ex-gay
A person who was a simp but no longer is a simp
Tom is a Ex Simp, good for him
a person who used to be saved in your contacts list in your cell phone but you dont like them anymore so you deleted them from your contacts list
You: Oh, look some number texted me but its not saved in my phone so idk who it is.
Friend: Maybe its one of your ex contacts, you better not text back it could be your ex girlfriend or another one of your ex contacts
You: Good point... i'll just ignore it
A soon to be former mate, pending the obligatory legal proceedings.
My yet to be ex wife refused to sign the divorce papers because she found out her sister had moved into the single wide.