Source Code

Gorilla Slap

When a man shaves his pubic region while saving the pubic hair, then proceeding to ejaculate on a females face, he then slaps her in the face with the pubic hair causing the hair to stick to the ejaculate on her face. The man will then proceed to slap her in the face with his erect penis.

Bobby: I gave your mom a Gorilla Slap last night! Now she has a fucking beard!

Josh: hahahaha, my mom's a bitch anyway!

by Mud Monkey in Brazil October 17, 2008

27πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Flying Gorilla

A great amazing game. The best game in all of history. The game I’ll spend 99 hours on because it’s so good. You control a gorilla and knock pigs off blocks.

Alexa: What’ve you been up to bro?
Me: Bro I played this game called flying gorilla it’s so addicting I spent 99 hours on it
Alexa: wow let me try

by naviiii September 10, 2019

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

gorilla zoe

the coolest rapper ever. he is currently with boys in da hood. he has a couple of songs out like:
Hood nigga
so fly
get money

person 1- hey who's Gorilla zoe
person 2- man Gorilla zoe is the shit, i can't beleive you haven't heard of him

by lil abe March 5, 2008

130πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

The Gotham Gorilla

A gorilla originating from the town of Gotham. Loves trance and dickslapping, as well as abusing unaware gingers who may or may not have a penis disease resulting in a blue growth down south. Never sleeps so as to catch its prey.

Dormitory full of 8 boys
Person 1-"Come on guys lets go to sleep"
Gotham Gorilla - "The Gotham Gorilla never sleeps"

The gorilla then gets up into a perverse posotion, leering over the boys before beginning to dickslap.

by libertin0 March 12, 2010

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Gorilla Find

Go-ril-la Fi-nd (g-rl fnd) n. 1.The largest and most economical of deals, native to the jungles of SF Bay Area and Beyond. 2. Coming up on a sudden and unexpected abundance of something.

Free ice cream with any combo meal after 9pm? That's a phat Gorilla Find!

by King_Kong June 18, 2010

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Gorilla Fuck

When you are having sex doggy style with a woman who is rather short and you pick her up by her waist with one arm around her waist and continue to fuck her while her feet and arms are flopping around as you pound her out wildly

Did you see that short girl I got last night? I gorilla fucked the hell out of her.

by T-Ben July 11, 2009

111πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

gorilla mask

when a person shaves their pubes & glues them to a sleeping persons face.

You see Johnny this morning? Yeah Peter gave him a nasty gorilla mask

by mark twain's ghost November 25, 2008

209πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž