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Lachlan is a funny, young boy who pushes boundaries. He loves to get up to mischief and tease his brother and sister. Lachlans usually live on farms and have a passion of Case IH tractors. Once making a mistake he feels bad and tries to redeem himself. Lachlan is usually athletic and has a very skinny body.

Lachlan is a boys name

by ddutCgidds January 28, 2019


hes probs gay but we alll love him for it

lachlan loves sleeping in and is a big procrastinator, probs has to many personality disorders to count

don't know how to tell the truth or lie

dammm that lachlan what a fag bahahahahah

by elsie :) September 15, 2021


A guy who does stupid challenges

Last week I was trying to play a game with a Lachlan he wouldn't stop doing challenges such a Bitch

by LachlanFanNumber1 December 30, 2019


An extremely intelligent person, they are insensitive, does not like to be wrong, likes to drink coffee and tea.

That dog is so Lachlan, it's smart but heartless.

by Real iced coffee October 21, 2021


The dumbest person alive who sucks at all games and is a sgt.

Lachlan sucks at shooting.

by Calex123 June 29, 2023


The best youtuber in the world
Also the guy from fortnite

Someone : hey have fo u have that fortnite icon skin
Person 2 : yeah i have all, my favorite one is lachlan

by kapiiiiiii November 17, 2021


Lachlan is a rude, insanely annoying person. They are really dorky and quirky and fuck up a lot they are basically the human form of hell

Wow I hate lachlan he is so annoying

by Ggbbhh December 18, 2021