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Get in line

Usually said to agree with an obvious statement

Guy1: Man, I wish I could date Avril Lavigne.
Guy2: Get in line pal.

by Punk4Real June 3, 2010

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brown lining

The opposite of silver lining. When good (or bad) news includes worse, additional information.

Boss: Well, Jimmy, you got the internship!

Jimmy: Dope.

Boss: ...the brown lining is its unpaid.

Jimmy: Rats.

by BobbyStompy February 9, 2011

Line 9

when working retail and a hot girl walks by call out Line 9 as if theres such a line on the phone, which 90% of the time there isn't, just a hot chic.

Hey Jeramy, Line 9 is for you.

by akdiddy666 June 21, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mineral line

Mineral Line is a term that refers to the space between a group of mineral patches and a gathering facility (e.g. a Hatchery) in which worker units (e.g. Drones) move back and forth, gathering and returning minerals. Mineral Line Saturation refers to how many workers there are in the mineral line in comparison to how many mineral patches there are. Generally a ratio of about 3 workers to 1 mineral patch is ideal, but sometimes less or more workers are used. The mineral line is a very fragile and important part of a game because it dictates the economy of a player. Because of this, mineral lines are often the first thing to be assaulted during a successful attack, and are frequently the target of Harassment.

Day9 forgot to build photon cannons for defense and now his probe count and economy is in disarray because he allowed hellions into his mineral line.

by FraustDogger May 1, 2011

gravy line

the line around a girls face which is a darker colour then her neck

you need to rub your make up into your neck, you have a gravy line

by sjdfasdfafg February 9, 2012

Zuckerberg Line

When technology crosses over from innovative and cool to invasive and creepy, it crosses the Zuckerberg Line.

When TikTok started spying on clipboard data, it crossed the Zuckerberg Line.

by awfulOtter July 16, 2020

Line hoe

A female (or Princess Audrey) who craves attention on the chat app called line she will more than likely send nudes if you buy her/him a sticker pack

That James is always talking to a new guy on line every day must be a line hoe

by SinDoc September 18, 2019