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tickle the lock

giving some finger-love to a gal's headmistress;

twiddling the twat;

giving a girl's clit a run for its money;


So did you tickle the lock last night?

Nah, she was an uptight prude and wouldnt even let me come upstairs.

by cyronious the wise November 30, 2009

Saigon Tickle

The act of taking a finger and gently rubbing the outside of the rectum in a rapid motion.

While receiving oral gratification, the prostitute massaged my prostate by performing a Saigon Tickle.

by Snatch(Beer30) April 13, 2011

Tickle squirt

When someone tickles you so hard you piss yourself.

Oh my god, you should have seen when zack made Curtis tickle squirt.

by almightgamR June 11, 2014

Tickle fucker

A ruthless individual who will stop at nothing to tickle his or her victim into a hysterical state. This person definitely wiggles their fingers in a threatening manner in between tickle assaults.

Stop wiggling your fingers at me, you tickle fucker! Haven't I suffered enough?

by Little Mingo December 28, 2016

fecal tickle

The act of inserting an object in one's anal cavity in order to "attempt" to encounter fecies. Despite the name, fecies do not, in fact, have nerve endings, so there is no way to measure if they receive a "tickle". Fecal tickles can have pleasurable intent, as well as malicious- and often come as a surprise to the host party.

Robb was watching Greys Anatomy and drinking wine with Carl. Robb fell asleep on the couch, so Carl decided to fecal tickle Robb with a Apple TV remote.

by JR "Paycheck" December 19, 2016

crotch tickling

To have your legs in between another person's legs while in a hot tub there for tickling the others crotch

Dude stop crotch tickling me gosh!

by billy Bob Jones IV June 24, 2014

Tallahassee Tickle

When an individual passes out at a frat party and everyone there that is endowed with a male appendage take turns dragging their cock n balls across the persons lips.

That party last night was killer. I passed out and went black. Funny though my lips are a little chapped today. Yea braaaaaahhhh we gave you the Tallahassee tickle. Did you lick your lips?

by Dick Onchin November 5, 2020