Source Code

Ti ti chou pi yi

1. Slang phrase in Mandarin Chinese for one who believes his or her friends are telling the truth regardless of how ridiculous and preposterous the things they are trying to tell him or her are.

2. One who gives his or her friends bragging rights to exclusively tease them for endlessly searching the Interweb for the definition of phrases.

Stewy: "Hey what does ti ti chou pi yi mean?"
Adeline: "We can't tell you... look it up online!"
Stewy: "Ok. (one hour later) I still can't find it, is it spelled differently? I'm so confused."
Adeline: "muahahahaha"

by the wonderful waffle girls January 14, 2011

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The guy that called you Nigger in that Bo2 lobby back in the day. Construction enthusiast. Ugglah shoe game

Damn bruh NSLS Tis just called me the N word and danced on MLK grave with his dirty air forces

by VFiles January 27, 2022

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Blood Ties

An amazing song by Rak Su which is all about brotherhood and them achieving their dreams, it is also about how the rakpak always have their backs and they always have our backs no matter what!.

"I got your back and you got mine"

"They know we got them blood ties"
"This ain't fake, this is real"
"Brothers for life, never divide, together we fly, that's my guy"

by Rak What Rak Su! May 31, 2019

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Tied up

Someone who got alot of money. Synonym for filthy rich.

"I'm tied up tonight, I gotta go to the casino."
"This guy is tied up, we need to talk to him."
"Ayye, I'm tied up bitch !"

by ElliotParis October 14, 2017

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ti ert

The urban word for tired.

Shiiiit, my mo fo ass is ti ert as a mother fucker. Shiiiiiiiiit.

Get your ti ert ass off my mother fuckin cowch bi-atch!!!!!!!!!!

by Chez Chizzle Minizzle April 28, 2003

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op ti

its what you tell your friends when you have to go poop
poop time

hey bra i gotta go op ti ... didn'd you do that 2 hr's ago?

by kmoney2 April 17, 2007

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A person Who has a small And shriveled penis on there nose . And has A Fat ass butt cheek Drooping from there cleevich

Sam : Yo Ethan

Ethan : Whata Gronk

Sam : Ohhhhh Yeeeeeeeah
ethan : shutt up dont ti-maya it dude !

by Shit nibbler December 13, 2010

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