NotUrJinx on xbox
Me: my hot wifey is NotUrJinx<333
Bob: omg shes hot<3
Wifey career more known as Justin bieber
She have anything going for yourself, she have a FLOP modeling career. She’s more knowing for be Justin pet
Wifey career is her big achievement in life
Receiving a ball and chain gag during a bachelor party in embarrassing fashion and puking from the pressure.
The reality of getting married finally hit him so hard during his bachelor party it caused The Wifey Effect.
The hair cut a woman gets after she is married. Usually involves cutting most of the length off in favor of a bob, pixie cut, or shorter hairstyle.
After she got married, Melissa couldn't help but go and get her hair chopped into a bob; a traditional wifey cut.
That girl you know who has all the qualities you want in a girl
•Doesn’t care what she looks like around you
•There for you when you need her
•Is able to laugh at you as well as with you
•Will play fight with you
“Yo dude I’m obsessed with her, she’s perfect, she’s got tha wifey mentality and everything
When a man and wife get to doing the do! Out of control wild sex. Where the wifey is in awe.
"He bud, i just got done smashing the wifey. Thanks for the inspiration"!