For when something is "Taking the piss" you may elect to say "Take the winky" instead, if you're a good christian boy.
*When you die 1v1 and the ignite doesn't finish them off*
"Ah man, take the winky"
Gangster Nickname for anyone with a the word wink in their first or last name. This person is often very sarcastic.
What's good Lil Winky?
"I love touching the winky. It's very fun and educational"
Chinky winky is the dirty smell coming out of a female's vagina during intercourse. It is mostly because of not washing yourself before sex. It is really common in long term relationships.
Dude 1: Man I was trying to hit but she had that chinky winky. Dude 2: What does that mean bruh? Dude 1: Chinky winky is the smell of yo mama's pussy when I swuskied.
Someone whom is stinky like a winky
Girl 0.5: I forgot the book
Girl 1: your such a stinky winky
A female pedophile. Not leemins !
dab: you a winky wrangler leemins?
leemins: give me a min, I gotta catch up