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a brilliant insult you can hurl at a person you dislike

bore off you crow

by 1337club October 19, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


evil black birds of death who can, and will, peck your eyes out at every oportunity.

im pretty sure that crow just glared at you. sleep with one eye open.

by totally not a crow January 28, 2011

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Stone the Crows

Shock, surprise, Awe

Stone the crows where did you come from. Or Stone the crows the plane crashed

by Byron February 8, 2004

53๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sheryl Crow

A very talented multi-platinum rock singer-songwriter, known for many singles such as All I Wanna Do and The First Cut is the Deepest.

Sheryl Crow is one of the best musicians out there.

by wingkon December 7, 2009

39๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russel Crowe

A great actor

For My Beloved Actor, Russel Crowe, on His 51st Birthday

Not that I've seen you
Not that I've known you
But the happiest birthday, I wish you
As this is the way I know you:

You are a vivid dream in " A Beautiful Mind"
You are a " Man of Steel" in a " Broken City"
You are "Robin Hood" for " Les Miserables"
You are a " Gladiator" in a " State of Play"
You are " Cinerella Man" in " A Good Year"
You are "The Insider" in "L.A. Confidential"
You are " Proof of Life" in a " Body of Lies"
You are an " American Gangster" on " 3:10 to Yuma"
Who is all "Tenderness" while " Breaking Up"
But " Master and Commander" " The Next Three Days" when " Heaven's Burning"
And then again who is " The Water Diviner" but you,
To save all living things, as did " Noah"?

So you see I know you, though I haven't seen you!
And this I have written for Charly and Tennyson
To read on cold days as a " Winter's Tale"
For their kids to be proud of you
And love you as I do!

With your bow and arrow
One day you aimed at my heart, Russel Crowe
As did Cupid,
And got the poet out of me,

So let me enjoy the honor, Sir
To call you Robin Russel Hood!

Afrooz Jafarinoor

April 7, 2015

by A Persian Fan May 28, 2015

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Crow bag

British Army slang. Can't Read Or Write.

Don't let any other bell end tell you otherwise.

Shut it crow bag.

by Sheeps teeth July 16, 2014

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Crow Slide

An asshole that's so muddy you don't even need to lubricate your cock to get it in.

Since that chick only uses one piece of toilet paper, I was able to do the Crow Slide on her.

by Khaytsus April 25, 2007

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