a massive extreme hawaiian whore who loves to fuck guys over. will make your balls look like a smurfs(BLUE BALLS!).she often says things like " i'm going to jump off a bridge." She has very fucked up dreams.
M-Sweeny loves to fuck guys and fuck over guys. BLUE BALLS!!!
A more sophisticated way of naming someone's city that they live in. This could be Memphis TN Maryland NJ or more recently Manchester in the UK. Rappers such Playboi Melo has been heard using this slang
This is God Damn M Town you stupid lil ahh bitch!
M Town is a place where people are trying to make it out it’s small upcoming artist from there are King Gp, BandmanJon,Liddy1k,Scutty and their producer Cj Harris known as Cjtoturnt
Josh: Aye where Gp and Liddy at
Cj: oh they in M Town
The emoticon you use to describe a person who is clueless and chongalicious
- (M
- WHAATTTT?!!?!?
- (M
The full name of lafayette
That French general dude from Hamilton
Person 1: yo, who’s that French dude from Hamilton with the really long name?
Person 2: oh! You mean Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette? I love that guy!
Aka M. j. P. Y. R. G. D. M., M. D. Laf
Some shit bitches have been putting in thier bios on Tinder.
Hot chick's profile on Tinder: blah blah blah... add me on
(>L,o;v~e;r~H`o;l^e*s c-o*m<)
For more info about me!