This is a status of familiarity in a subject achieved rapidly. Imagine a small nerd, placed in one's pocket, ready to speak about a subject on your behalf. It is small, but serviceable, nerdiness and specialty in an intellectual subject, however narrow.
The word "pocket" is used in the same sense as that of "pocket calendar," "pocket radio," or "pocket pizza;" small, but serviceable.
This is similar to becoming a "jack," as in "jack of all trades," in a particular intellectual discipline, instead of a skill. One can extend the analogy of "jack of all trades" to "nerd of all interests."
I was talking about something with a friend of mine, and he began to explain one of its finer points.
I asked him to stop, before he continued, saying that I had read all about it, and provided further information that, perhaps, he might not know, as proof that I required no explanation.
Face was not, however, so easily to be lost, and I was declared a pocket nerd.
This is, apparently, the condition of one who, once any idle curiosity has been stimulated, will, by dint of hard study (see grip) quickly reach a level of depth of knowledge in a subject to rival, conversationally, at least, that of those who have kindled a casual interest in it for years.
"And to think, two weeks ago, you knew nothing about it!"
The term is often used by those who might otherwise apply the term "intellectual" to those who love knowledge for its own sake.
"Whoa, I didn't realize Ryan was so interested in socialism."
"You mistake him. He's just a pocket nerd."
It took only twenty Wikipedia articles for Oreol to become a pocket nerd.
"Ah, yes, I have achieved pocket nerd status in many disciplines, but few have held my interest for more than a month."
"I was impressed by their conversation, but I cannot tell whether they had an abiding interest in quantum physics, or had just decided to become pocket nerds for the duration of the class."
When a group of RuneScape players get together and fist each other for multiple hours, usually ending in a nerd orgasm that could fill the mariana trench with cum.
Guy 1: "Hey bro wanna come over and Nerd Log with the boys tonight?"
Guy 2: "Nah bro I have a girlfriend now, I dont take part in Nerd Loggin no more"
A man or woman's butt that has become so flat from multiple hours of sitting at a computer, it assumes the shape of a pancake.
"Damn son look at that nerd butt, what do they do to get that?"
"They work in IT"
A person who tries very hard to be one of the most studied and schooled up booknerds around, all the whilst still lacking common sense & foresight.
"Our economy has inflated and life is more expensive now, because the government printed lots more money for community hand outs"
- "omg, what the hell were those gormless nerds thinking"
A term in the graffiti scene that refers to someone who never paints and instead writes tags exclusively in books, making them very inexperienced.
He refuses to paint, but will always put it on his papers. What a Book Nerd.
Esentially a woman that is out of options and instead of fuckboys is looking for nerds to sustain her (and often her child) financially and emocionally. Usually such woman is over or close to her 30's because in her 20's she used to party do drugs and dissolve her brain in alcohol. One day she realises she achieved nothing and either has no children or the father went out to buy some milk, so she decides to find a clueless nerd and claim that she's interested in "nerdy" stuff like watching Harry Potter or Avengers in order to trap him in a relationship with her.
P1: Look at her Tinder profile, says she's a 29-yo nerd because she plays Sims, watches movies like Avengers and her favouite movies are recent Star Wars movies.
P2: Cut it man, only thing you have and she is really interested in is your wallet, she's an absolute nerd snare.
Awkward Nerd or some one who is always LOLing or ROFLing. Came up with by me, SF.
Kelley: "hey sara what are you doing? lol"
Sara: "just being an Awk-Nerd with my g-ma. rofl right?"
Kelley: "yeah you look like an awk-nerd. lmao"