The action of doing something unnecessary
“Yo Jack jumped in the lake for free and it was freezing cold out.”
“Yeah that’s so J R. Like dude seriously.”
a whole FUCKING reddit community meant for aphmau R34. why it exists? we don't know.
"bro have you seen r/aphmauR34?" other guy: "WTF MAN"
its a tv rating where people have...sexual entanglement.
perv:OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS rated RRR (triple-r) MOVIE -Snort-
Another word for "bad depressed useless ugly bitch
YOU ARE A r!!!!!
a girl from my hero academia who is really cute, and her name was Eri
R is a written abbreviation meaning king or queen. R is short for the Latin words 'rex' and 'regina'.
example, it is used on maps as a written abbreviation for 'river'.