A guys part picture labeled sideview
"Did you see senad's side view"
Someone that is immensely beautiful from all angles.
Hey, did you see Rebecca last night?
Yeah dude, what a side view
A side man to his friends/family.
Wow he's such a side cadet,his friends use him.
A phrase used to describe being in the presence of 1 or more narcissists
"Hey jo wanna come shopping?
"Thanks but iv gotta go to the Narc Side
When you meet your soul mate and you cant be without them. But then you meet your second soul mate and keep them on the side.
I thought you were my soul mate? Nah girl your my side soulmate.
Juicy pussy with a hefty helping side of ranch dressing.
Dude I'm so hungry right now, bro how bout some Pussy with a side of ranch?
Juicy pussy with a hefty helping side of ranch dressing.
Dude I'm so hungry right now, bro how bout some Pussy with a side of ranch?