Source Code

Fan Day

A day in which a band, musician or artist invites a fan or fans to join them in a relaxed or intimate environment.

Eg. competitions such as "win a day with the band" or "Chill in the hotel room before/after the show" are all examples of Fan Day

by Miss_Psychotic April 22, 2010

Anime fan

A person who usually still has their virginity

Hey, did you hear about that guy who says hes an anime fan? Yeah, he gets no bitches.

by Trumphater6969 April 7, 2022

Patriot Fan

Furrys that drink chunky milk.

Bianca is a total patriot fan.

by chocolatekirk February 4, 2019

Bristol city fan

A Bristol city fan is a person who doesn’t have a brain the opposite of a Bristol city fan is a smart person.

He is a Bristol city fan because he can’t read.

by BristolroversUTG April 27, 2024

fan it

A common expression used as a way to tell an autistic kid to chuck shit (usually fruit) in an air conditioning unit fan which is attached to a building next to a school fence.

Fan it you retarded cunt

by BigDickBear445 June 13, 2019

shrek fan-fiction

please no, just please no...

Jake: Have you read my shrek fan-fiction?
Andrew: WTF is wrong with you jake?!

by KovikSmith March 16, 2019

wings of fire #1 fan


wings of fire #1 fan

by isuc February 23, 2023