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Sora The Troll

Nerd. Kek

Sora The Troll is a Sora the troll

by InsertmynamehereidontgiveashiT October 19, 2019

Sora The Troll


Sora The Troll is a nerd.

by Wentyliasz October 19, 2019

Sora the troll

A japanese man who troll people with 18+ jokes

"damn my dad is really a sora the troll yesterday"

by Handrawan August 6, 2020

Sora the troll

An american weeb from Ohio who thinks that he's Japanese because he knows some words learned from Anime and Hentai. This is confirmed by the fact that in his live streams he always shuts "Rasengan!" a lot of times

That weeb watched too many anime to the point that he only screams Naruto attacks and thinks he's Japanese. He's definitely a Sora the troll

by BeebeeTony January 3, 2024

Sora The Troll

Sora The Troll is nerd.

Sora The Troll: Nerd.

by sora the nerd October 19, 2019

Juiced Troll

A juiced troll is someone who you don't want to take too far away from the lab; or their horde of beauty care techs. You might love your beauty queen or king, however - three days away from the tech and your beauty or handsome wilts.

You're planning on doing a cross-country with that juiced troll for fun, or just to see what happens over three days without the juice bag?

by Politically Correct Forest May 30, 2020

Troll Face Outline

Back when Minecraft was sold to Microsoft, Notch wanted to lead a final mark by creating a secret structure. Whatever, that version was never allowed to be released but it was leaked. The name of the version is TR_0.11, but the structure was unfinished. It only spawn in 1 in a million chunks, making it almost impossible to find and the rarest ever by far. The structure was so rare that there is no footage of it online, until a person named camman18 found it

After months of searching i found the Troll Face Outline

by ThatOneFiddlement December 20, 2023