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Trash nigga

If a black person gets anything black related dirt on him, he is called a Trash nigga

oh look, this black person is working in coal mines and got himself dirty!
What a Trash nigga!

by FrxPussySlayer June 9, 2023

National Trash Head Day

A day on August 10th where u post Bitches/Niggas that u had any type of sexual intercourse with that don't know how to give head.

"Damn this bitch can't even handle the fucking tip, ... GTFO my face. National Trash Head Day"

by Love900 August 9, 2019

Trash pocket

The right pocket on a Starbucks employees apron that somehow seems to always get filled w sugar packets and trash …..the left one is for snacks

Don’t forget to empty your trash pocket before you leave

by StarbucksCorprate November 6, 2023

hollywood trash

Hollywood productions (Movies, TV series/shows) which are intentionally biased in favor of the liberal and feminist lobbies to the point that almost every saga & new franchises have been destroyed just to force their political agenda.

Garry: Did you see Wonder Woman movie?
Alan: You are kidding, right? That’s the latest Hollywood trash, I’m not watching it even for free!

by neptos June 21, 2017

2👍 1👎

die trash

Common word used in modern warfare. It means Shut Your redacted Ass Up SYBA can be confused with SMFD or suck my redacted redacted.

die trash+ratio+lol+xd+stay mad+loser+no maidens

die trash YOU redacted redacted redacted with redacted.

by ligmatermanalillness October 20, 2022

Cruise ship trash

Fat out of shape, white people on vacation sunburnt as hell covered in white pasty sunscreen, wearing tie-dyed shirts that are oversized that don’t fit them or has has a destination logo on them with baggy, swimsuits, and wearing Jesus sandals with socks that are soaking wet and disgusting and probably been clean properly in a week that probably stuffed their faces full of buffet and open bar for a week straight

Look cruise ship trash visiting the beautiful natural wonder

by werdokter April 14, 2024

Ridawiggi trash

trash coach that is moo and poos on people every day

Ridawiggi trash is the trashest person ive ever seen by SAmuelita

by Fantom_GOD May 31, 2019