Where you rub your dick in turtle food and let a turtle eat it off of the penis
"Dude, You should try turtle-dipping sometimes"
when your poop pulsates in and out of your ass hole.
"hey Fredrico, you good?"
"yea man, just got a poking turtle."
"oh, damn. cool."
A tank made in ww2 that was a super heavy and looks like a turtle t95
Ah shit I can't pen that Doom turtle
A person who claims to be an amateur level rocket league player.
That fuck wit over there is a real turtle mclovin.
Turtling: An act done between couples, where one person lays on top of the other person, where the applied pressure is very soothing; Usually followed after sex.
Ex. You should try turtling! you don’t know what you’re missing out on!
To sneak up behind someone wearing a hoodie, then inverting the hood on said hoodie, thus making it appear as though the person now has a turtle shell on their back.
This can then be accompanied with shouts of 'TURTLED! TURTLED!' at the victim while simulating a turtle shell on your own back.
*sneaks up behind and flips hood*
Talon: what does that mean?
Leah: Turtling is when I flipped your hood and gave you a turtle shell!
(adj.) The state of having one's penis pull up into the body and disappear beyond the foreskin, like a turtle's head. More common in overweight men.
Look at that big fat guy over there, he's totally turtling!