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An incredibly nice guy, has the largest fucking cock ever.

Is he still nice?
Is he funny?
Will he love you?

Dude, you should meet a Justin.

Justin has the biggest personality. He also had the biggest cock.

by Jaysin9 January 12, 2023


Slayer of scorpio girls

Youre a scorpio? Watch out for justin you might fall in love.

by handlemywork November 23, 2021


A guy whos cracked at fortnite and is taken and could steal your girlfriend at any moment

Justin's Hypeman : My friend here justin he's already taken and hes cracked at fortnight my guy, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

by chopinroll December 29, 2021


Justin has many trust issues. He needs someone who is kind, smart, respectful, and lovable. He will make you feel like his and then can be shut down by girls. He is a very lovable, strong, and athletic guy. He does what’s right and then looks back on the past. Even though he can’t trust many people.... he is very protective. He doesn’t want a girl that he likes to get away to fast. He can make a dick move, but sooner or later he will come back to you.

Girl 1: OMG Justin just gave me roses for homecoming.

Girl 2: I can’t belive Justin did that to me.
Girl 3: Justin makes me feel like his queen.

by Catwomen180 November 11, 2018


a guy with a dick so massive it will rip you i half and when it goes soft it causes earth quakes

justin’s dick is so big he fucks black holes

by aggura January 26, 2022


cracked at fortnite

My friend here justin, he’s already taken and he’s cracked at fortnite

by January 25, 2021


Justin is a very phenomenal person he is cool kind and amazing when you get to know him he is the best in the world and makes friends very easily and once you meet him you will love him.

Justin is so phenomenal.

by AJStyles.org September 11, 2018