That's how long it took us to get Harvest back.
At first it was going well. Then setback after setback... Loss after loss... Made what was going to be a quick and decisive win... Into five long years of hell.
the worlds greatest rapper, manly and giant.
Wow, your freestyles are great, you resemble Yung Long Johns
a car’s high beams
Yo, man turn off your long lights! That sh*t way too bright.
When a cat is possesed by a demon called Long Johnson and cant stop speaking out Long Johnson.
Ooh Long Johnson......Oooh Long Johnson cat. Ooooh Long
when you fuck a long john doughnut until you cum and then eat it.
Dude, Jimmy ate his Louisiana long-john last night.
Where you procure a small cellular device place it in a condom and insert it into your lover on vibrate. Then during the day.....make some calls at random.
Wait a sec before we leave work gotta give my girl a long distance Orgasm.