A team baba moment is when you just >:LDPAK"JWOYT)( *N@#GIPHNO*MWID LKHAPSI:LDJKHAWNI
"Team Baba Moment!"
When you choose the wrong location in Fortnite and it fucks up the whole game
You're selling out the whole team by choosing the wrong location.
Team Snap is a recreational sports app for used for kids' baseball, basketball, soccer etc. Team Snap Culture has resulted in coaches adding in practices and games at the last minute- something they could not do before the app existed.
Parents of 9 year old kids at 9:20pm at night: "Coach did I just read this correctly? Is there a game added tomorrow morning at 10:15am?
Coach: That is correct. See you then.
Parents: This has gotten ridiculous. That's 13 hours notice.
Coach behind the scenes is shrugging because- "Team Snap Culture ".
When a group of gay men meet on grinder and have a big gang bang
Bit again I hate it when he conjures lightning
Quick ! Super ultimate team buddy force unite!
A team consisting each individual wanting their own glory.
They only care for themselves.. Starsyndrome team
A fictional team of detectives in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. The team consists of Espio the Chameleon, Charmy Bee and Vector the Crocodile. Their first appearance was in Knuckles’ Chaotix, a game for the 32X (an add on for the Genesis, kinda like the Sega CD). They also have one of the best songs ever produced for the STH franchise, even rivalling songs like Open Your Heart, This Machine and Find Your Flame
Once we start a job… we finish a job! That’s our policy! We’re Team Chaotix!
(Quote taken from Sonic Heroes)
A sexual act where the male ejaculated on the woman's face, then sprinkles some of his body hair on her face and utters the words, "it was a complete success Gary, or should I say hachmed!"
I gave the Mrs the team america (aka the hachmed) last night. She loved my beard hair stuck on her face