When someone gives a shitty excuse as for why he can't attend an event. The adult equivalent of "my dog ate my homework", transparent.
I can't raid tonight, I have to go eat steak sandwiches with my dad.
From ChatGPT: The term "melanin dad" is sometimes used as a term of endearment for a Black father.
Jaquavius is such a melanin dad.
Groups of men and boys who enjoy football a little too much and will blame anyone but the actual people responsible for their team losing and/or playing horrible.
Dads, Brads and Chads: The phrase was first coined by singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. "I have no awareness of if I’m being shown too much and pissing off a few dads, Brads, and Chads.”
Male, generally a father, that overall exudes an attitude of fuck. This does not have sexual connotations but it can if used properly, safely, and legally.
This week has been exhausting. Let's get the boys together, be fuck dads, and catch a wrestling show.
A term used at football games on the intercom to express distaste
Quarterback is sacked, end result safety.
Announcer: Ouch Dad!
Guy 1: “hey bro”
Guy 2: “Your mom gay”
Guy 1: “It’s opposite day” Guy 2: “oh dang that rhymes”
Also guy 2: “Your dad lesbian”