Thomas Guin is a person with a humongous penis, and always drink himself to sleep. He is the episenter of every party, and might wank your cock even though he is heterosexual. Thomas Guin has a sky high bodycount, every girl is horny for him.
There is Thomas Guin, the sexbomb.
A particularly large tonk (vape) that is often passed around the toilets of a private school. some may say it is passed around more than Taylor swift? its name is Thomas due to the unfathomably large clouds it produces. it is usually able to hot box an entire bathroom within 3 chongs.
Simon chap can I Chong on Thomas the tonk engine - his clouds really are spectacular *teacher enters* " urm chaps, is that a Tonk Engine im seeing?" students would reply along the lines of "ah yes sir it is" and the teacher usually says something like " ooh thats dank bruv give us a couple pullies"
Future cricket player for Australia
You bowl like thomas kroonenburg
Thomas is a very good boy and his hair is very spiky.
Hi Thomas J can i pat your hair??
Sure i know it is very spiky heehee
The David Attenborough of Geography, the Kevin De Bruyne of Football, the Ricky Gervais of Jokes and the best Teacher the world has ever seen. He is gone but never forgotton.
Thomas Pullen was the best teacher we've ever seen, he will be truly missed.