Short for Viet Cong soldiers, also used as „VC” or „Victor Charlie".
Origin from "Việt Nam Cộng Sản" - Vietnamese Communist.
It's pretty hairy in there, it's charlie's point - Apocalypse Now (1979)
Charlie is the best guy in the world so never let go of them, and to whoever they date is so lucky, and whos close with them will never forget becoming friends with them
Person1:omg i just got a online child, there the best!! There so kindd!!!
Person2:whats their name?
Person2:makes sense
Charlie simply doesn’t give a fuck about what your name means
“Wow you see Charlie? He doesn’t give a fuck??!”
Charlie don’t give a fuck abt what your name means so stfu ugly ahh
“Wow! Charlie really doesn’t care.”
Charlie is the best person around, she is the most beautiful and talented girl ever although she may have a bit of beef with a few people she is always around for you (if you are her friend). Charlie is the sweetest person you’ll ever meet and overall just the best. Everyone needs a Charlie in their life she is the swaggest . (Side note) Charlie has the biggest cock ever!
Person1: you know that Charlie has beef with *** right?
Person2: yeah? Why
Person1: why are her friend
Person2: Charlie is the best person ever.
People called charlie are that annoying friend or younger brother that always bothers you
Me and Friends- talking
Charlie- hey guys what's up
Everyone- UGHhhHH