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If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.

If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.

If you text me or comments been limited again, I will report to police and crazy don from ITE COLLEGE WEST. I’m just 23 years old migrate.

by sdinaz October 25, 2023

mount carmel college

the worst school in the world, this school is full of drug addicts and sellers, their school smells of marijuana and the girls have their skirts, shorts and dresses so far up you can see their underwear, this school may be private but no one in it acts it, they are crazy and get a lot of fights happening

i need to go to mount carmel college i heard they have good drug dealers!

by 420fam69iykyk April 16, 2020

Spotswood College

A school that should definitely vote ya boi staircases for prefect 2023

Person 1: Spotswood College is holding their prefect elections again.
Person 2: yeah, surely my boy stairs wins the majority.

by BookieMcDookie November 23, 2021

Retired from college

The permanent solitude from unnecessary envolvement in college drama.

I have retired from college, Done with this fugazi shit.

by It's nothing personal July 28, 2021

tuakau college

A den of people who are absolute shitheads including but not limited too: people who bring illicit substances to school to act cool, people who can't end a sentence without saying something controversial or generally condemned, people who think they're "gangsta" because they're one of "da boys" and go around being hooligans and disrupting actual learning, etc.

guy 1: dude that kid from tuakau college thinks he's cool
guy 2: i know right just do your work and maybe you won't end up working at mcdonalds
tuakau college kid: ah gee ah, were you just talking shit to me ah, you betta shut it or I'll fuck you up ah gee. working at

mcdonalds is gas ah, don't disrespect the bro's at mcd gee.

by mr. wanks on the couch at camp November 28, 2023

tuakau college

A college in tuakau which houses the most absolutely mindblowingly shitty people including but not limited too: kids who take illicit substances to school to make them appear cool, kids who can't finish a sentence without saying atleast one incredibly controvertial and generally condemned phrase, kids who think they're gangster because they're maori, etc...

guy 1: dude look at that kid from tuakau college
guy 2: he's gonna work at mcdonalds when he grows older!
kid from tuakau college: aw gee. working in mcdonalds is prolly gas ah, you wanna go ah gee.

by mr. wanks on the couch at camp November 28, 2023

crookhorn college

A horrendously shit school located in the south of england. with chavs everywhere that think they own the place. and the only thing they’re good at is playing football.

Person 1: ew look how chavvy she is!

Person 2: it’s definitely because she goes to crookhorn college

by A student at crookhorn college December 1, 2023