A car for sale after having been previously owned
I'm gonna go buy a post-owned car
Grabbing a beer at the airport AFTER you have already landed at your final destination.
I grabbed a post-termy when I landed so I could delay my arrival home. If I left right away, I would have had to put the kids to bed and I just couldn’t deal tonight!
Da feeling of "empty letdown after having toiled for nothing" dat you experience as an adult after you'd studied your a** off in grade school about certain strongly-hyped-and-pushed-for-their-supposedly-great-importance subjects (history, science, botany, biology, etc.) other than da "three R's", only to find dat in reality you seldom if ever need any of dat knowledge in your everyday working/home life, and dat others merely stare at you like you're some kinda brainiac nerd when ya mention anything from your vast knowledge of said subjects dat they had long forgotten about or not even bothered to really learn very well themselves in their own school years.
My third-grade teacher always really drove us to learn about da history of San Francisco, yet never once in the ensuing decades have I **ever** hadda use my knowledge of who William Leidesdorff or Amadeo Giannini was --- talk about post-graduation disillusionment!
"A device that you're repairing will operate **absolutely perfectly** while you have it taken apart to work on it, but then when you get it all put back together and have all the cabinet-screws re-inserted, THAT'S when the device will decide not to work again."
To lessen the chance of getting "bitten" by Murphy's Law of Post-repair Reassembly, one should double-check everything on a refurbished device before putting it back together again.
The art of posting sub luminally anti-Semitic memes on alt-right image forums for comedic effect. Merchant in this instance referring to people of Jewish descent. Often in threads that can go on quite extensively. The images typically try to obscure the profile of a large nose characteristic of the exaggerated caricature of a typical Jewish stereotype.
Oh man did you see that new post?
I did! Man these jokers just can't stop merchant-posting to save their lives!
keeping it real.
hanging at one spot with the krew.
your "chill" spot where you keep it down with your homies.
we stay master posted up in this bitch.
Mike was working on rubbing off his dick and after 5 minutues of hand action mike finaly maneged to get post nasil dick