Source Code

You rock my world

You’re so shook my someone that they rock your little no show socks from Payless off.

Daddy Aziz you are sooooo hot and sexy!! You rock my world”

by Toodleberrycatcher101 February 13, 2018

9👍 3👎

World of Warcraft Booty Call


Jon: "Is Mike getting Chevrolayed in the back of his tahoe right now?"
Matt: No, he doesn't satisfy Newton's 69th Law remember, so he's dialing up a World of Warcraft Booty Call.

by ChemistryCalvin August 6, 2010

16👍 8👎

World's Hottest Women

Megan Fox

Mariah Carey


Wow, Megan Fox is the hottest woman ever! She is definitely one of the World's Hottest Women

by Hitman576 April 14, 2010

4👍 24👎

world's best rappers list

There is no one such list.
Unfortunately, there will never be agreement over this issue.
Perfection or skill is what you make of it.
All of us have different points of view.
Critically speaking, though, we all know who was the best.

Get the (subliminal) message about the "world's best rappers list"?

by Future Truth October 13, 2005

326👍 293👎

What in the world wide web?

What you say when you stumble across something bizzare, unusual, shocking, and or interesting while surfing the web.

Urbandictionary.com What in the world wide web is that?

by 14012008011413070515180705 February 7, 2005

17👍 9👎

they didn't set the world on fire

A phrase used to describe the averageness of a group of people's actions or behaviours.

Also meaning, nothing special, just average, not 'hot' or on fire.

'They' can be replaced by another pronoun if used to describe a singular person/place/event:
e.g. he/she/it didn't set the world on fire

John: Did you like the concert? Were the Rolling Pebbles any good?
Tim: Oh well look, they didn't set the world on fire but they were alright.

by Briollette August 31, 2006

7👍 2👎

Uncle from another world

Oh my God! This show is hilarious!

Giant hedgehog “I enjoy inflicting pain with my needles.”

Hym “What!?”

Giant Hedgehog “Their dying screams are music to my ears.”

Hym “WHAT!?”

Giant hedgehog “I toyed with them as they died.”

Hym “AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It’s so evil! It’s the most evil thing I’ve seen in a while! I love it! That thing is nuts! It’s almost as evil as the South Park Christmas Critters! That is priceless! Wow! I’m impressed! This Uncle from another world guy is great!”

by Hym Iam November 18, 2022