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booby trap

1: very painful trap
2: get stuck in your GF's boobs

i got stuck in a booby trap

by alshoppingcarte1223 December 11, 2023

booby trap

A slang word for a bra.

If I don't wear a booby trap my boobs flop all over the place.

by wolfmanmos May 4, 2020

Booby trap

When a girl uses her boobs to make you fall for her trap

The moment she showed me her boobs I knew this was gonna be a booby trap that I could not escape

by AlphaHormesis March 7, 2023

Archie jones trap

Being against archie to then find out you’ve fallen for him, the ‘archie jones trap

“You’ve just fallen for the archie jones trap

Oh fuck off

by Shitchatter11 August 8, 2022

trap on boulevard

Become a gangster from your hometown

I used to trap on boulevard now I'm King Nigga

by Nick the dog November 20, 2016

Activate my trap card

A quick way or the easy way out of an situation

Teacher: Can you answer this question tom
You : Sleeping*
Teacher: Wake up!!
You: Idk I choose to Activate my trap card

Your friend: *RISES FROM CHAIR*
He's been up all night studying

by The Mmmm effect July 26, 2014

Dust Traps

Can be used to describe a single female (Dust Trap)or a group of females (Dust Traps) who sleep around a lot and play with mens hearts.
popularised by a master of women, Mr Sheen.

Example 1:
Son: Dad, there was a man in mommy’s bedroom yesterday when you were at work and i walked in on them wrestling with their clothes off.

Dad: i knew i shouldn’t have married her she’s a proper dust trap.
Example 2:
Friend 1: Those girls over there look nice let’s go talk to them.
Friend 2: Nah i know them their all proper dust traps.

by CafeTeamMember2 February 2, 2022