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Owen is a microwave Thot.

"Did you see owen?"
"Yeah, he is such a thot."

by ♡That_Thot_Anna♡ October 15, 2019


New Definition: Acronym for That Hoe Owes Taxes. Comes from recent scandal of Thots being audited by the IRS after being reported on Twitter. AKA the world may yet be saved.

Report a Thot to the IRS today and get up to a 30% reward! It’s completely legal! #ThotPatrol

by SmartAss69GiggityGiggity November 26, 2018


the thing that shouldn't exist

begone thot

by minpimo March 30, 2022


A thot is a tier down from a hoe and it is mainly a term used when describing how someone looks

Did you see Veronica today?

Yeah, she looks like a total thot

by Lilymitchell February 16, 2020


There’s a thot bot


Dat boiii got a thot be gone you thot totty botty

by Dat boiii May 21, 2018


A ho or a slut.

Yo man look at that kid aaron over there he's a thot

by Mrderpofducks April 21, 2018


A male who can't seem to keep his legs closed, he lets everybody fuck and doesn't respect himself.

Girl #1- Did you here about josh letting all those girls at the party run a train on him?

Girl #2- Girl I ain't even Surprised, I know that bitch was a Thot

by Shroomsgalore October 28, 2020