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n. The vegetable bits between the cheeseburger patty and the bun.

Extra bacon, but hold the salad.

by MrLaheysEnabler October 11, 2021


Something that can be tossed.

I really like my salad tossed.

by Notreat January 15, 2022

Boobie Salad

Boobie (\ˈbü-bē\) (noun)

Salad (\ˈsaləd\) (Noun)

An arrangement, similar to a salad, of boobies in a small ceramic dish and placed on a large pedestal for all to view.

"I love you even more then Boobie Salads!"

by Ndisario95 March 16, 2015

Pear salad

When you cut up pieces of fruit (ideally pears), stuff them up your ass, and shit them into a good friend's mouth.

Yo, I was at Rebecca's house last night when she was having a house party. She was doing a pear salad and I got a heaping spoonfull

by pearsalad December 6, 2023

Deviled toss salad

The act of when your tripping on LSD acid and Xanax then decide it's a great idea to eat ass of a angry bull

Josh- bro I'm tripping I see an angry bull let's give him the deviled toss salad

by @$$blaster November 8, 2021

Salad Boy

A homesexual vouyer and peeping tom. Is sometimes mistaken as a scot or vision of Lucifer disguised as Holstein milk cow. Can,be seen throwing gang signs around, a very short fat retarded boy named Damuelsaurus who isnt strictly a dick only gay boi like Salad Boy. They dont,do much in life until the stop ODing themselves by intravenous injection of pure black tar rooster jizz.

Hot woman:.. Look that guy has very small dirty penis..I bet hes a mudturtle.
Psycho Stalker: He'll naaaaa thats Salad Boy but he also,dresses up like a lizard and sucks penis.

by Sgt badmuthfer June 19, 2022

Taco Salad

A lesbian reach around.

Who needs a cucumber salad when you can have a taco salad with extra sauce!

by Fiddlerchik8me August 9, 2021