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It’s just banter

‘It’s just banter’ is a phrase used to describe an action which is related to epicness done by people jokingly

Bugsy why did you say hello to me?”
“It’s just banter!”

by Jimbob Popcorn Chicken the 3rd April 18, 2019

that goat just ate my shit

that goat just ate my shit, its not great the goat will never lose the disgusting breath

oh damn, that goat just ate my shit, oh god the breath.

by joe mamas hairy balls August 2, 2022

Just sayin’

A phrase used by 12 year old girls that think it’s cute. It can be used at the end of any insult.

Jackass: You’re gay, just sayin’.

by The only name not in use July 28, 2018

Just sayin’

Just sayin

A passive aggressive phrase used with arrogance as an alternative to one or more of the following:

- You are wrong, I am right, and nothing you say will convince me otherwise, just sayin
- I want to sound humble but look how awesome I am, just sayin
- Your story/accomplishment is cute, but it makes me yawn in comparison to mine which is obviously far better, just sayin

Use of phrase reveals one is being a “prick”

a. The phrase has gained such popularity that everyone knows its true meaning. For that reason, if used today with belief the receiver is unaware of its true meaning, it reveals one is a “dumb ass prick”

*Also see “Bless your heart” - Often used as alternative to -
“Wow you are so off the charts dumb I can’t begin to acknowledge what you actually said so I am left with only pity for your sad useless brain”

“Wow you are so off the charts dumb I can’t begin to acknowledge what you actually said so I am left with only pity for your sad useless brain, just sayin’”

by SavageRenob March 28, 2020

So beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow

A Bharatiya meme from Jasmeen Kaur, a Delhi-based entrepreneur.

wow wow wow cutie you are So beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow

by typical Indian December 24, 2023

that's just apples

Everything will be fine; things will get better; don't worry about it. Primarily heard in Australia. Don't worry about the presentation. She'll be apples, considering how hard you've worked!

Things have felt really rocky between me and John lately." that's just apples, mate.

by DR. ARSENSTIEN October 20, 2020

I Guess I'll Just Kill Myself

Suicide is not the answer.

I Guess I'll Just Kill Myself
No, everyone you know will miss you
You're right

by Bi poppi January 13, 2023