Source Code

trash bag cheater

Dominic Corotza

a trash bag cheater is best defined as Dominic Corotza and that’s it

by fatpiggiesrus October 6, 2021

Spider Trash

Spider poop or cobwebs

A dirty eight-legged freak left spider trash all over my doorway this morning

by Alpha Bravo Cheesecake November 21, 2020

What's trash

Any definition written by dref said right.

"It is O.K. to make fun of blind people on this site because they cannot read what we're writing, however I would advise you strongly not to do that." -- dref said right

by "Correct," Fred declared July 14, 2004

Trash zoned

When someone won’t go out with someone else because they’re like trash to them.

Person 1: Hey, I really like you and wanna go out with you. How about it?
Person 2: No way! All you ever did was criticize and belittle me. You made me feel horrible and you never cared about my feelings. You were messing with all those other people too and just broke their hearts and left them, treating them like toys for your amusement! You caused so much mess and destruction in everyone’s lives! You emotionally destroyed me! I would stay up nights crying because of you! I would never date you because you are trash! *runs away*
Person 1: Aw man, trash zoned again? Welp, looks like I gotta ask someone else out now.

by Iamawesomedog September 15, 2021

Michigan trash can

Something you call someone when they speak with a heavy Michigan accent.

Michigan trash can: Wanna go swim in the kreek?
Man: bitch do you mean Creek?
MTC: Yeah the kreek.
Man: I'm calling the cops you Michigan trash can.

by Daddy_Is_Saddy April 21, 2018

Trash Trolling

1. Looking through your neighbors trash to see if there's anything that peaks your interest or something that is in good shape that you can use or should be donated to a charity instead of thrown in the dump.

2. Going to a bar or nightclub with the intent to meet some trashy looking character because that's the type you like or in the mood to hang out with.

1. I went trash trolling down the alley this morning and found a recliner that's in really good shape. Only a few stains to get out and spray it with fabric freshener.

2. I'm going trash trolling at the clubs tonight to find a trashy looking person to hang out with or maybe hook up.

by TimLG April 20, 2011

trash sex

the act of two homeless people having sex in a dumpster

i just saw two people having trash sex

by Calvin Rameriez February 1, 2021