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ninja turtle

when a turd gets past the grip undetected until too lake

After a ninja turtle interrupted my date , I waddled home ,threw my pants in the trash and cried in the shower for the rest of the day .....I'm certain she smelled it .

by Fiddlegrits December 4, 2022

ninja turtle

when someone opens up to their fear or tells a deep story about themselves, but is interrupted by someone who says something unnecessary or asks some nonsense. the phenomenon is called beeing "ninja turtled"

"I told my deepest fears but was interrupted by an ninja turtle"

by Merihaka July 29, 2021

Ninja Turtle

A turtle that is classified as a ninja but actually it's a secret!

Bobby ate a huge ninja turtle.

by WhyYouAlwaysLyinOMG March 24, 2017

Ninja turtles

What you think of when you look at the 50 cent The Massacre CD cover.

50 cent's CD The Massacre reminds you of the Ninja Turtles doesn't it?

by Solid Mantis February 7, 2021

turtle mclovin

A person who claims to be an amateur level rocket league player.

That fuck wit over there is a real turtle mclovin.

by imwhoeveryouwantme2be<3 January 28, 2024


Turtling: An act done between couples, where one person lays on top of the other person, where the applied pressure is very soothing; Usually followed after sex.

Ex. You should try turtling! you don’t know what you’re missing out on!

by VeganTorchic October 12, 2023


To sneak up behind someone wearing a hoodie, then inverting the hood on said hoodie, thus making it appear as though the person now has a turtle shell on their back.
This can then be accompanied with shouts of 'TURTLED! TURTLED!' at the victim while simulating a turtle shell on your own back.

*sneaks up behind and flips hood*

Talon: what does that mean?
Leah: Turtling is when I flipped your hood and gave you a turtle shell!

by ay you March 26, 2023