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ur mum

the insult that has one weakness which as known as no u
and a inssult thats better ur dad lesbian

no u is ur mum's weakness

by VoidVortex November 24, 2022

ur mum

The ultimate insult that can work on anything just by slightly altering someones sentence with 'ur mum' .it can also be written as 'ur mom'.

person 1: "you're fat"
person 2: "ur mum is fat"
person 1: "that insult is so unoriginal"
person 2: "ur mum is so unoriginal"

by The Epicster May 4, 2020

ur mum

ur mum is ur mum

"ur mum"

by shwatylikeamelody June 28, 2022

ur mum

the one i banged last night

i banged ur mum last night

by bangedurmumlastnight April 20, 2021

Ur mum

This word is used among the coolest of the coolest people. If you are trying to make a joke funnier then this is the word for sure! This will also get you a date to a court for sure!

Person: hi

Person 2: ur mum

Person: hahahahahahhaha

by I Love Loki08 June 10, 2021

Ur mum

Insult which has no meaning inside ur bum if u want cocaine sex soz I can’t help u but I sell weed at www.childcaptivity.com so come get some pornos

Alex:ur mum

Ur mum: no ur mum! Cos ur mums dumb! Cos she didn’t know what I did to ur dad yet!!!

by Slnkythemadnman December 29, 2020

ur mum

i ride ur mum all night long

hi son im going to ride ur mum

by urnan dictionary 12329 July 7, 2020