Girl:babe ur the cutest person ever
Girl:bc ur austin
Aryana is the cutest person ever
Aryana is the cutest person ever prove me wrong
The cutest person is Rithy of course :D
“Wow rithy is the cutest person ever... can I hold his hand omg”-teddy
This is a law to prefer to types of beings
Person this is someone with rights the groups for this are
1. The born
2. Gay people
3. People of color
4. Women
Human this is someone that has no rights the groups for this are
1. Unborn
2. Straight people
3. What people
This law was created in 2017 in the usa
President : the USA will make a in law
The lawyer : you might not feel good about it but it's is called person vs human law this law my ruin your reputation
The kind that would kill to prove they weren't weak.
The girl went to get some money from the guy's house who she said owed her money, and she wasn't going to let him start laughing at her the way everyone else did over it, so she shot him dead to prove to him she wasn't a weak person. Really, she was the worst kind of weak person. A male who does the same thing is the worst kind of weak person, therefore it is not unfair to a female to say the same thing about a female who does the same thing. She was tired of being called weak her whole life, and she couldn't let another person get away with laughing at her.
A person that follow up behind the influences around them
Omg he such a herd personality because he only know about the nee video game because everyone is talking about it!
The most amazing awesome person ever who is superior to everyone else and super cute and hot and awesome and definitely didn’t write this definition by themselves.
Bob: Dude, did you hear Person Name made 700 billion dollars just today?
John: Yeah, all while saving puppies from burning buildings and stopping meteors from hitting the Earth and definitely not writing extremely specific UrbanDictionary entries about how awesome they are!