Barcodes is the email I will get it to 33 I want
Bare is the email I would be happy with 2 but 5 bar
Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales or BARS for short is a business evaluation method. It is commonly referred to in rap lyrics or appreciation for rap music.
lil peap (lyrics): "Yeah bruh, I compare current employee behaviour with desired behaviour ye ye"
listener: "Wow he's spitting BARS!!"
bar = swear
bar can also = line for a rap
i bar this girl is crazy ( i swear this girl is crazy )
yooo that bar was firee ( yoo that line was firee )
Bar is a nickname that can only be used by ud. Bar is a nickname meant for people named Karley. Bar comes from the word KarleyBarley.
Hey bar what’s up?
KarleyBarley how was your poop?
Bar is a handsome young guy with golden curls and blue eyes. Bar is funny , kind, tall and lazy fat