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Dead Man Talking

A survivor of a suicide attempt.

He lived! Dead man talking from now for sure.

by Xavier96 September 23, 2022

1👍 2👎

dead mans hole

When is chick is such a lame fuck that you would rather do a dead person

Mike was telling Todd that he a dead mans hole last night and would have rather jerked off.

by Sticky whistle teeth October 22, 2017

Dead Man’s Bridge

Noun- the area of skin between the posterior aspect of vagina and the anterior aspect of the anus. Analogous to the tante in a male.

Jav was lucky to have only lost the relationship and not his life attempting to cross dead man’s bridge without proper authorization.

by Javi R April 13, 2023

A dead end feature

When a movie ends with a goal never being achieved. Or it’s not known if a goal was ever achieved.

That movie was such a dead end feature. I can’t believe I even watched that.

by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018

Articles of the dead Instructions

Organizations Of the Dead, Articles Of the Dead, Articles for the dead, Articles over the dead, Articles Of the Alive Mislabeling the dead Articles Of Life And Articles After the Death Plus Articles Of Demo and Population.

Quincy articles of the dead instructions have been published, the articles of living and alive have not been created, the dead is now recognized as Adults with responsibility’s not to be taken advantage of.

by Quincy The Beautiful June 14, 2019

Dead man tired

So tired you are unable to move and appear to be deceased to the naked eye.

I pulled an all nighter last night and now I am dead man tired.

by Humanbean201513 November 18, 2018

Dead Kennedys Term

End of the "American Dream" and the beginning of the "Me Generation." Started with Kennedy's Assassination, Vietnam War, and Watergate, people decided they didn't care anymore. Their effort didn't matter, it was about themselves. Mainly in America then Canada because of the Domino Theory.

Ever heard of the Dead Kennedys Term?

by SatansFatCat January 19, 2017