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Cafeteria Christianity

One who picks and choose what part of the bible or religion to follow or obey based on what is convenient for themselves.

Oh, I see, you're a faithful Christian lecturing me about going to church on Sunday, yet you had an affair Susan! You can't be using Cafeteria Christianity where you pick and choose what parts of the bible to follow.

by HypnotoadAZ April 16, 2020

Relaxed christian

A person or group who don’t strictly follow the rules of Christianity. Such as; not going to church or not strictly following the bible. Relaxed Christians are some of the only accepting Christians when it comes to homosexuality.

Hey! I’m a relaxed Christian!

by Remy the ratatouille December 27, 2021

Christian Burris

One of the coolest people on the planet. A hiking enthusiast who has hiked the Appalachian Trail and the Vermont Long Trail. Also, a passionate and loyal supporter of Liverpool Football Club. He is most commonly known for being involved in a love triangle with Nicole Kidman and Kate Beckinsale.

Christian Burris is an awesome hiker.

by Skimt127 February 3, 2010

The Serious Christian

One of the most underrated YouTubers ever! He uploads videos that are intended to make others happier and more positive. The Serious Christian is awesome!

Guy: "Are you subscribed to The Serious Christian?"

Friend of Guy: "Yeah, man! His videos are great!"

by The_Intellectual_Individual October 19, 2018

legacy christian academy (frisco)

A LITERAL HELL HOLE literally have a pedophile teacher and everyone is fake as fuck here and they try to act nice in all but is messed up in the head probably because of all the dye in there hair literally go to schools with oranges who can spray tan at all. Spoiled rich ass kids who don't even know how to fucking clean or sweep the damn place. Bro people for real crying because they're parents didn't get them the exact color of som shit. the school's race population is literally 90% WHITE. BRO HELP ME!!!

Stacy: Hey do you know the school" legacy christian academy (frisco)"campus?

Damon: oh that hell hole dont ever go there demons kids/teens

by ilovespriteandchicken March 15, 2023

Christian Cort

so kool, so swag like, he is my idol, he is a baller shot caller with a 21 inch blade. I would like to play rock paper scizzors with him he is also a house hold name (mainly because he punched ur kid at recess)

Christian Cort owns a big blue dog and cat

by aj davis_7initnotfound October 27, 2021

Christian Cort

a hot boy in my school that has a neckbrace but idc he still cute

Christian Cort is hot

by i love northern lights cheer June 9, 2021