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White Ebonics

A primitive language spoken by the south, far north, and people named Jamie.

Lima in the mid-west is pronounced the same as lime, unless you speak in white ebonics, in which case the 'i' is pronounced as a long 'e' as if it were spelled: Leema.

by CSquared1634 September 27, 2018

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Agent White

the less potent and more expensive alternative to Agent Orange

sense it costs more money and kills less VC, the United States pretty much never used it during the Vietnam War.

by IrishRepublicanArmy March 3, 2004

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white larry

to shoot your load into the eye of the person giving you a blow job

I gave her a white larry as thanks for a great blow job.

by Bugs' Baby August 15, 2010

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white grapes

grapes that are actually green

dang lookit those white grapes

bro those are green

by Sierra Emme July 28, 2015

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white ladder


"yo u tryna pop some white ladders?"

"aint xans addictive?"

by phatchode13 September 1, 2020

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White noise

When you pour your heart out to someone who doesn't care.

I told him again and again how his actions hurt me, but all he ever hears is white noise.

by NotyourProp July 3, 2018

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white slips

White clothing usually bath robes
They are also usually made of cotton

Lisa wore her white slips

by Rickybobby November 2, 2013

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