in a gay chat all Hey guys, I’m not gay; I’m just here to burn steam.
The sunburn you receive after the first day of Hillsong Summercamp after forgetting to apply sunscreen at all or to certain areas.
"Dude your face is peeling"
"Yeah, It's my Summercamp Burn"
A burn-jobber is someone who is especially good at burning or roasting someone.
Some examples and places where this can be properly used as follows "I don't want to do the dishes" followed by "YOU ARE DISHES". The person that got burned is the Burnee and the person that said "You are dishes" is the burn-jobber.
Dry humping with a condom on.
Hold on babe, the lord is watching. We're Burning Rubber tonight.
To disrespect or "burn" someone so badly that there is no way they can come back with any kind of legitimate response.
John: You're so ugly, Bill, even your own mother doesn't love you.
Frank: Ohhh! Fatal burn!
Bill: Yeah, well...whatever.
When you take a rug, wrap someone up in it and roll them down a big grassy hill.
“Oh no he didn’t, he didn’t really just get an Alaskan Rug Burn did he?”
Meaning "to burn with a Bunsen burner."
"I did so poorly on that science quiz. Where's a Bunsen burner? I want to Bunsen burn it!"