Source Code

Dill pickle

A fat cock that has shriveled up into a micro pp

Oh wow that’s a dill pickle

by Coochie man 445 December 19, 2020

Pittsburgh Pickle Festival

Group of gay dudes form a circle, and one shoves a kosher pickle up his ass. He spins it like a bottle, and whoever it is pointing at, has to eat it!

Chad's ass is sore from the Pittsburgh Pickle Festival, but Chris has to lose 10 lbs bc he ate too much.

by Taco Trap Lord February 28, 2020

Don't Put Pickle Juice in My Tea Pot

To respond to a hater throwing shade or trying to rain on your parade

Amanda: "That's a cute dress, I wonder how it looks on someone who isn't fat"
Jessica: "Bitch! Don't put pickle juice in my tea pot!"

by BQuanchi September 21, 2015

pickles and pies

The go to place in Rockaway when you are drunk high or all the above. You go here at 4 in the morning or once you wake up for a BEC and an Arizona. Everyone is friends with the cashiers and we all know the code for the bathroom. Pickles is also used to get a six pack every know and then. Taste best after a beach party in the summer when you remember it when you wake up.

Mike: you where are you going it’s 3am
Matt: going to pickles and pies to get a BEC

by Rockaway-kid January 5, 2021

Pickle hook

Someone working too hard to get the D

Yo, that kid was a straight up pickle hook!

by Flagrant May 19, 2018

Pickling someone’s balls

An action to lick my pickled ballsack while you ejaculate in my bush so I get a sticky bush while I sing earfquake. After that we can touch tips and watch gay midget child porn with my dog.(ill hring a butt plug)once I’m done raping my dog I’ll find 17 unsuspecting children and kidnap them. I will cut off each testicle one by one and eat them in front of the kids. I’ll cum on all of there faces and smile while the dingleberrys in my ass linger I’ll Diareah on the florr.

I’m gonna pickling someone’s balls at midnight.

by Skibitidesawn November 25, 2024

Fucked the pickle

(Verb) To take an action which requires a dangerously low level of common sense, inability to process logical thought, possibly symptomatic of impaired cognitive ability, stroke, CTE, or bad genetics (e.g. inbreeding).

Wow, Governor Abbott, you really fucked the pickle on that one. (With regards to opening the state before the COVID-19 curve flattened and then demanding that schools open in the Fall while cases continue to rise at an alarming rate)

by pull-mai-fingr July 13, 2020