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Poena cullei (from Latin 'penalty of the sack') under Roman law was a type of death penalty imposed on a subject who had been found guilty of patricide. The punishment consisted of being sewn up in a leather sack, with an assortment of live animals including a dog, snake, monkey, and a chicken or rooster, and then being thrown into water.

Julius Caesar to Roman Senate "anyone committing the crime of killing his father shall be sacked!"

by bob_johnson May 17, 2022


to have one's cohojones tied to a sycamore tree, as one's life force is sucked out of thee.

Man, did you hear Oscar dropped out of school?
Seriously? If I had the audacity to attempt that my parents would've sacked me, no questions asked.

by gnagster45671 March 30, 2023


Slang for "get rid of".

It is often used in the context of a getting fired from a job.

It is also used in the context of someone getting punched or kicked very hard in the testicles, probably because the person doing the sacking is "getting rid of" the ability to have children in the person being sacked.

"John got sacked yesterday, and now he doesn't have a stream of income."

"John got sacked yesterday by me and the boys, and now he probably can't have children."

by Thedopestpersoninthewholeworld January 30, 2021


Getting hit in the ballsack by someone or something.

Person 1: "Man, the tennis ball just hit my nuts!"
Persona 2: "Haha! You just got sacked!"

by citrufruit August 5, 2023


to be the most fucked up you could be to where you are just a sack instead of human

caitlyn and ollie got so sacked last night

by caitrobolliehole July 17, 2017

Back Sack

Male equivalent of the side boob. When someone gets a glimpse of your sack from behind. The worst angle to see balls, which are quite frightening at any angle.

That asshole Carl tricked me into looking at his back sack yesterday!

by TheRealMikeD July 4, 2021

Hack Sack Style

A very aggressive style of sex that requires many ball slaps to the womens face the women can combat this however if she can effectively make a volly with ball kicks until the man throws up ie: the hack sack style.

I sprained my balls while trying the

hack sack style with my wife last night.

by Mr. M0nkeyz December 5, 2022