A verb phrase used only in moments of great passion, when something happened in the past that is so inexplicably awful, mere words do not suffice to explain how bad it was.
The Chicago Cubs sucked the big wazoo for over a hundred years.
The color Nick paints his pinky nails with.
Person 1: Yo, Nick painted his nails again
Person 2: Yeah, his pinky is dick sucking red.
the closest available place to procure a blowjob of any level of quality.
"Excuse me sirs, do you know where the nearest cock suck is?!?"
Balls that are of nice size and full but most importantly smooth as eggs, makes you excited n crave to suck his balls n cock.
Oh my what perfect suck able balls you have down there , please can I suck on them please?
It's when an Asian girl is sucking multiple penis and is jerking off another two
John: Me and a bunch of friends went to Jackie's house and guess what happened
Steven: she gave you guys a Kung Fu Sucking
take a hike, scram, take a bath hippie, etc.
Loraz: care to repeat that?
Taron: ah, go suck a carrot, ya freeloader!
When you are kissing someone and you start sucking in your air to create an almost vacuum seal with the other person.
Did you just do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, your lips are looking plump?
No, I have just been using the eastern slope suck as my favorite make out method.