when someone dies what did u think.
Person 1: Bro your so bad at basketball
Person 2: no u r
Person1: *fucking dead*
People with wide load vaginas. Who make constipated faces while having sex 😂
That girl was such a constipated fuck. Never again will I make love to her
The word used to describe when a man and a woman get onto the back of a bull and the guy sticks his cock and testicles into the bulls ass while the female sticks her pussy in the bulls face. Then someone releases the bull while the man and women attempt to stay on while constantly chanting the word butter.
I wish that jen would bull fight fuck me.
When one of your buttons is fucked up. Then you take it away and remove the attachment it works better than before.
My name is Liam and all my buttons have gone thru the "fucked up button" process.
A phrase usually said(screamed) when you or someone else does something to extremely piss you off or hurts you.
(Stubbs toe) Ow! Fuck! tittie fuck her in the ass! #2- Cassandra is such a bitch I just wanna tittie fuck her in the ass
What Marine Corps drill instructors say to get the recruits attention at boot camp.
*All hell breaking loose in the squadbay*
Drill instructor: 10…9…8…5…2…1!
Recruits: DONE SIR!
Drill instructor: Hey, Eye Fucking Balls! That little bitch didn’t touch the bulkhead! Run!
Recruits: AYE SIR!