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Big M

A Big M is a way to say “hardcore masochist“. The term is used to refer to a person (often a fictional character) who may be the type to get unusually happy when thinking about or receiving pain.

“Ah, he really likes hanging around with such a fierce girl. How does he deal with her? He’s either a silent badass or a Big M.“

by Adorablob February 2, 2023

Big M

Big M is a name for a guy who is the best at everything and who everyone should listen to.

You’re such a Big M

by ibefanboyz November 21, 2021

Big M

Big M is a player and a fucking hitter

Big M gets all the bitches

by BIGBOSSMATTHEW December 6, 2017

big M

A bitch

Person 1: that’s big m
Person 2: ew

by Big M hater September 18, 2022

Ian M.

Die just die

If you meet an Ian. M I am sorry they are the worst

1.Hey, I see an Ian M. Over there.
2. Aww I really liked this planet now it is time to release the nukes I guess

by J.J Falkchuuu May 30, 2019


One whose nickname, or 'handle', can be referred to as "Mason."

1:) That m-log can't fit in the mason jar.

2:) DAAAAMMMMN! Did you see that hoe from the trap house that m-log bagged?!

by ElectrikBoogaloo November 15, 2017

M to the B

One of the last lines of a very british tune, all about two girls, and their hatred for one another. Filmed in a KFC and Lidl. Yet another song Americans ruined.

It's M to the B, it's M to the B

It's M M M M M to the B

It's M to the B, it's M to the B

Bang 🎇

by T3rry November 27, 2020