NOT HANDLING what you say you STAND ON.
“You said you Standing On Business, but you aint Handling business, nigga you Pump Faking.”
Using self-referential linguistic hoops and astroturfed first-principle thinking to "make sense" of something complex, multi-faceted or paradoxical.
"I asked a Mcdonald's Cashier if I could pay ETH. She declined and asked for USD. We're still early."
Dude, you're sense-faking!
When you throw something in the trash thinking there’s a trash bag already in there, but someone just emptied the garbage.
“Oh shoot! I threw my apple core away but I got a trash fake-out.”
a person who claims to smoke weed but actually doesn't.
man, that freeps guy is a real fake weeder, you know?
It is a cheese that looks like plastic and tastes like crap
I'm gonna make a sandwich
Dont use that cheese!
It's from walmart so it's fake cheese!
When a person uses their own facebook to attack another individuals page but blame it on some one else "Fake Frape"
Comment 1 "You are really ugly"
Comment 2 " Sorry that was a frape by *****"
Fake Frape: Posting on someones wall using your own accoutn pretending to have been fraped by another person
Someone that transports everyone in a courtroom to a fake middle school reality when they refer to somebody they were fucking while he was alive (before stabbing him to death) as a "boyfriend". Somebody that thinks the word orgasmic is crude language (badass because they said it), but wants anyone that says fuck, shit, ass, or anything else that can be considered cursing or swearing by anybody to be penalized for it.
It's the fake person you gotta watch, not the quiet one.