Better sounding term for “Nipple Piercings”.
Lisa, did you get new boob earrings? Love the bar bells!
a person who has unbelivable make you want to puke boobs they will giggle like waterballons and they are huge
big mama off of bigmamas house has boob disiease
show your boobs to your special someone on April 7th!
hey baby it’s national show your bf your boobs day ;)
Another word for butt cheeks that I made up on a whim because butt cheeks do kinda resemble boobs except their on your legs. Like if you put nipples on your butt cheeks they kinda do resemble female breasts.
Jim: Hey look at that chick with them big ass boobs bruh.
Jake: Hell yeah friend, and not only that she rockin' a huge pair of leg-boobs as well mate. Oh gyat!!
Jamie: Hey what the hell are you knuckleheads looking at get your filthy eyes off that fucking girl's ass cheeks!!
When you can see a tiny bit of cleavage or side boob. Just a glimpse.
This picture shows some peak a boob, and it’s hot.
Under boob sweat and stink
Man that girl had some nasty fromunda boob