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Cameron Cool

Cameron Cool is an amazing person and if very funny and you should definetly date her.

Wow look at that Angel sent from heaven, I think her name is Cameron Cool!!

by Fartstikle June 6, 2024

cool fries

Another way to say "ok" when your confused or don't care

Him:I got a 678 frisbee

Her: cool fries

by Cool fries as March 10, 2016

tall cool

A tall cool is another name for a large cold beer

I going for a tall cool with the guys.

by URWrongM8 July 17, 2017

Culturally Cool

Culturally cool person is one that excepts people from all cultures. This can enrich ones life and make you feel whole.

I live in a great culturally cool neighborhood with people fron all over the wolrd.

by antec12 March 7, 2019

sun cooling

sun cooling is when a person is on the highway in a car on a hot summer day and the sun is focused directly on a part of your body so you wind down all the windows to let the cool air work as an ice pack to some degree.

Mother: why do you have all the windows down?
Boy: because im sun cooling da!

by you-lil-monster August 30, 2010

Weird is cool

When you take being weird is a compliment, and you ROCK it.

person: OMG ur so WEIRD! EWWWW!
You: Oh! Thanks! (Weird is cool)

by saskenarutosakuraLOVE October 21, 2019

secretly cool

When a person has interesting hobbies , skills which they don't share, yet at moments they let them slide and come out as a cool person. A person who does not know they are cool, but everyone around can see it. Has a chill attitude and fun to be around with.

Alberto is secretly cool because he doesn't need to act cool to be cool, he just is in his attitude and way of being.

by Striker20 April 19, 2017